Our People

Simon Jentzsch

Simon Jentzsch

VP, Blockchain Engineering

Simon wrote his first commercial CAD-software on an Atari ST at the age of 14. After leading and implementing e-learning projects for customers like Volkswagen AG, OTTO, and Bahn AG, he gained experience as a professional software architect and full-stack developer for over 20 years. When his brother Christoph spurred his excitement about blockchain technology in 2015, together they founded slock.it and he built the first applications connecting the Ethereum blockchain with Internet of Things (IoT) devices, creating new use cases in the sharing economy. As the Chief Technical Officer of slock.it, Simon was also responsible for the technical lead and implementation of the energy charging app (Share&Charge) using the first stablecoin on the Ethereum mainnet. Besides leading the USN-team when implementing a Universal Sharing Network, he was responsible for implementing the Incubed-Client allowing a verified stateless connection to the blockchain for IoT devices or mobile apps.
Today he works as Blockchains’ vice president of blockchain engineering.