Forging a New Digital Social Contract with Web3 ID

September 5, 2023

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Unleashing control, consent, and ownership in the digital landscape.

In the physical world, our interactions are guided by an unspoken social contract. This contract is a manifestation of mutual respect and adherence between two or more parties, encompassing the social norms that underscore the value of privacy. Just as we intuitively recognize that peering into someone’s window or rummaging through another person’s personal belongings is unacceptable behavior, we implicitly comprehend the importance of maintaining personal boundaries and safeguarding sensitive information.

Additionally, our actions are governed by a sense of personal control in the physical world. We have control over the things we do, the things we say, who we share information with, and who we let into aspects of our lives. This sense of agency comes with a level of consent, a choice to reveal personal information to friends and family, to entrust critical records to institutions that require them, and to safeguard and authenticate our creative endeavors. We create works of art, forge narratives, and safeguard them as our own, monetizing them as we see fit.

Yet, the digital world paints a different picture.

In this vast digital landscape, the notion of personal and professional control remains elusive. A glaring disparity emerges – we lack the ability to disclose only information that is necessary for specific interactions. The online platforms, services, and applications we engage with operate within closed systems, restricted by design to prevent ownership and management of our digital identities.

The question persists: Why? The answer, often obscured, lies in the exploitation of our identities and data. Corporations capitalize on our identities and the data we generate, selling it to other entities, influencing our purchasing decisions, and even predicting or manipulating our online behaviors.

In this environment, we don’t have control over our very own identity nor adequate privacy safeguards. The ramifications of these closed systems result in restrictions on our own identity – our information, data, assets – what we can access, when we can access it, where it’s stored, who it’s been shared with, or the ability to pull back our data when we want.

Our digital creations face similar vulnerabilities. Originality, authorship, and attribution can be compromised as works are duplicated, stolen, or sold without approval, with intermediaries often reaping the rewards.

Recognizing these issues is one thing; believing we can enact change is another matter entirely. For many, the status quo seems inevitable – an uncomfortable yet accepted reality, unless one decides to sever ties with the digital sphere altogether.

But there is a solution that challenges the prevailing status quo—one that transcends the grip of surveillance capitalism and the pervasive erosion of our digital privacy and rights. A way to seamlessly transplant the tried-and-true principles of the physical world into the digital realm. Enter Web3 ID.

Web3 ID seeks to merge the principles of time-tested real-world systems and seamlessly apply them to the digital sphere. It’s about reintroducing personal control, consent, and ownership into our digital interactions. It’s a movement to restore the balance of power and reshape the landscape where our identities and creations reside. It’s the conduit that empowers us to reclaim control, reimagine the rules, and create new social contracts for the digital world.